Form – Share Your Activity Your Activity Could Inspire Everyone! Fill-up to Share It *Full Name *Email *What is the name of the activity/event? *Can you provide a brief summary or description of the activity/event? What is the goal or purpose of this activity/event? When did/will the activity/event take place? *Where did/will the activity/event take place? Who are the main organizers/participants in this activity/event? How many brod and sis are expected to participate? Who is the target audience or beneficiary of the activity/event? What is the expected result or outcome of the activity/event? Can you provide a brief overview of how the activity/event is implemented or will be implemented? *Who can we contact for more information about the activity/event? Any lessons learned or feedback from the activity/event? Should your content be public or member-exclusive? Public Exclusive? *Is there any visual content you can provide to illustrate the activity/event? Send